This site was built on a Drupal 7 multisite installation. It is hosted by Hostgator. The visual design is a custom Drupal 7 theme called kands; you can download the theme and use it on your own site. It was built using SASS and uses the Zen 5 framework, including Zen Grids, with responsive design. The off-canvas menu for the mobile layout uses javascript and jQuery. Development was done locally on Ubuntu 12.10 using Aptana, an integrated development environment. I used git for version tracking and Asana for project management.
The page borders were taken from the title page of Schonberg's Atlas of the United States, 1867. The logo is adapted from Davis' New Commercial Encyclopedia, 1909. The manicule is from the wanted poster for John Wilkes Booth, 1865. It is unusual in that it shows the thumb in a raised position, like the hammer of a revolver.