Webfonts: The Next Generation
Submitted by Jordan on
Edit: I was all excited about this awesome new way of doing advanced typography online. Turns out it doesn't work. :-(
Submitted by Jordan on
Edit: I was all excited about this awesome new way of doing advanced typography online. Turns out it doesn't work. :-(
Submitted by Jordan on
This argument keeps coming up: whether to use Panels or Blocks for laying out your content on a Drupal site. Usually there is more than one right way to do things on Drupal, and this is no exception. There are pros and cons, of course, but generally it seems to be more an issue of personal preference.
Submitted by Jordan on
A little under a week since I started publishing projects on Drupal.org, and my work is starting to get used. So far I've published three projects:
Format Headers, a module that gives extra styling options to titles for blocks and panes
Letter, a simple Zen sub-theme that includes built-in webfont support
Submitted by Jordan on
I've taken the custom theme for this website and made it available on Drupal.org. It's much more advanced than my first offering. Features include:
Submitted by Jordan on
Right on the heals of my first Drupal.org submission comes my first module. I've been working with Drupal for 7 years now but never had the need before. There are almost 20,000 community-contributed modules on Drupal.org and I've always been able to make due with "standard" solutions, even if it involved a bit of php code inside a view, webform, or theme template file.
Submitted by Jordan on
It's official: I'm a full-fledged contributor on Drupal.org. This just happened over the weekend, as my first project was formally approved.
Submitted by Jordan on
I'm pleased to unveil my new DBA: Koplowicz & Sons. This is the culmination of weeks worth of rebranding work. In the process, I used several new technologies (at least, new to me):